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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blender into iClone Test

Having finally bought 3DXchange 4 Pro for iClone, I took some time yesterday to figure out at least some of one of the most exciting features - the ability to bring rigged characters from other programs into iClone.

I did a google search for free .fbx characters (my ongoing heartfelt thanks & appreciation to people who make their work available for free like that - I don't know where I would be without that tremendous generosity!!!) and found a ninja lady made in Blender.

I followed the steps outlined here to 1) Export the character from Blender as an .fbx file; 2) Import the .fbx file into 3dXchange 4; 3) Save the animations as individual clips in 3dXchange 4; 4) Export the character into iClone 4; and then 5) Play with the character in iClone!

Here's the results of my very fast test - nothing fancy here. I didn't fiddle with the texture of the original or apply any iClone standard animations - all animations used were from the original Blender character.

This feature in 3dXchange 4 opens up WORLDS to iCloners. I'm quite excited!


Undisclosed Studio said...

There is so much promise and excitement with the new 3DX program - I can not wait to get my hands on it! Thanks for the share. Nice work!

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